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Take My Hand will connect people in need of answers & resources to people & organizations best suited to answer those questions and provide proper & necessary assistance.


The funds necessary to create the infrastructurewill be raised through sales from The Take My Hand Store. To read more about our vision, scroll to the bottom of the page.

is an apparel line that includes
affirmations intentionally printed in reverse
so they are legible in a mirror.
Customer Review Jasper Unakite
Customer Review The Dopest Brand
Customer Review Amazing

i love you • you matter • you are worthy • self-love is the best love
you are beautiful • you are enough
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a world where preventative mental health services were available to 100% of society? How many new doctors, clinicians, social workers, technicians, emergency service medics, suicide hotline support, medications, fitness programs, holistic healers, qualified spiritual leaders, and the like are needed in the field to meet the demand? 



in the event your relatives, friends, co-workers, or maybe even yourself experience a mental health episode, there is immediate and appropriate action taken to best serve. Insurance matters not. Socio-economic status matters not. NO STIGMA! Just... help, from crisis to wellness! From safe pick-up when in crisis, hospitalization, therapy, medication, nutrition, fitness, outdoor activity, hobby exploration, transitional housing, transitional employment appropriate for diagnosis, and any thing else a person would need to live a life of wellness.



in your mind, a nation where those who have experienced a mental health episode or who are living with a mental illness, have continued access to proper and necessary mental health services for as long as they need them!

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